Consensus Environmentalism

Partnership on Technology Innovation and the Environment


Some of the most promising technology for a cleaner, healthier world can get caught up in bureaucratic red tape. The Partnership on Technology Innovation and the Environment is a new private-public consortium sponsored by the Heinz Center “to accelerate the development, adoption, deployment and export of technologies that protect health and the environment as they grow the US economy and create American jobs.”

The Partnership brings together the Heinz Center with the Environmental Protection Agency, the Nicholas School at Duke; the Center for Environmental Policy at American University; and the Environmental Defense Fund. Other representatives of academia, government, business and the NGO community will sign on in the coming months.

The Partnership’s initial priorities include: new lightweight, ultra-portable air and water monitoring technologies (particularly promising for tracking “fugitive emissions” from gas-drilling sites); on-farm biodigesters; and energy saving systems throughout manufacturing supply chains.